M3 Innovations, LLC
M3 Innovations, LLC is a limited liability corporation located in Mableton, Georgia. It is a marketing and distribution company that is 100% minority owned. Its formation came about as a result of a business opportunity with a recently formed Canadian company, 360 Health and Hygiene. They provide health and sanitation solutions through patented equipment that can be used in public and private settings and are proven effective against Covid, Sars, Influenza germs and bacteria. In addition to 360 H&H, M3 will be marketing Aquatree products as it makes a move into the exciting and promising industry of vertical farming and feeding the future.
The equipment relies upon upper air purification and is patented and imported from China. It provides a unique market advantage in the United States marketplace. 360 Health and Hygiene is seeking to expand their reach in the American marketplace through partnerships with distribution companies in the United States. As a marketing arm and distributor, M3 Innovations will have an advantage of being the first American business to introduce the 360 Health and Hygiene product line across industries, associations, religious and governmental organizations that may have a need or responsibility to provide sanitized, healthy and safe environments.
M3 Innovations owner, Michael Murphy’s public service background and corporate experience gives the company an unique advantage and opportunity to meet its business goals and objectives. Mr. Murphy is a Christian and community leader who values youth, individual freedoms, and family values.
Michael Murphy, Founder and CEO.
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